Thursday, November 25, 2010

post surgery

So Wednesday I went in and had septoplasty, removal of the inferior turbinates, some glands removed in nose, and sinuses cleaned out. The anticipation of the surgery and the tpye of pain I was going to experience had me a little anxious. So when I woke up in recovery the pain was horrible they gave me 4 doses of demeral through the IV in the first recovery area. I could hear the nurses talking about needing to get my blood pressure up bc it was 93/30. This made we start to panic a little but I was still so out of it I couldn't really respond. In the second recovery room everything was going good except my nose was burning so bad. The nurse said that was completely normal and that I needed to drink and eat something and she would give me two pain pills. I was trying to drink but even something as simple as sucking on a straw was hurting my nose bc when you suck in it brings your nostrils together. So I didn't get very much down. The nurse comes back in and ask about my pain level and preceeds to tell me that they can't give me anything else for pain but that they can admit me into the hospital for pain control. I was thinking are you seriiously kidding me? Jeremy who is standing beside the bed is like no I don't think that will be necessary . So now I'm thinking well great I'm in all this pain they can't give me anything else and if I needed to go to the hospital jeremy prob won't be all for it. Not that I blame him for that. So anyways I decide to go ahead and try to get dressed the go to the bathroom. So all is well until I come out of the bathroom and sit back in the wheelchair, I seriously thought I was going to pass out and fall right there. I said I need to lay down like right now and that same nurse says well we can put you in a recliner and I said no mam I need to lay back down in the bed right down. I was completely flushed sweating couldn't see straight it was very crazy. So anyways after all that passed we heading back outside to meet jeremy with the car. My in laws had went and got all my meds for me so I didn't have to wait for them to be filled so that was awesome huge thank you to them for that.

So a little bit about the procedure, my septum had more damage then he had thought so they had to remove cartilage from where (going to find out Monday) to rebuild my septum. I had bone and glands removed from my nose. Right now I have these huge plastic splints/packing in the nostrils (yes its painful) they will come out on Monday. We are not able to control my pain very well. I have always had a strong tolerance for pain meds don't asl me why. So anyways I haven't slept for more than about 2 hrs since Tuesday night I just wake up in pain my nose has this constant burning and throbbing sensation. So I can take 1-2 pain pills every 4 hrs, phernergan every 4-6 hrs, nasal spray every hr to break up the dry blood and gunk and then the decongestent afrin every 12 hours. I have 4x4s on the nose to catch any excess bleeding which really hadn't been that bad. I also have a small incision on my nose with a stitch in it.