Sunday, December 26, 2010

not sure

So first we had an awesome Christmas with my family this weekend. It had been a year yes a year since I had been home. That's crazy hopefully that won't happen again. Anyways it was awesome I love my family so much its really hard being 6 hrs away from them I feel like I miss out on so much.

Ok 2nd, so the Friday before last I started passing some blood in my urine, having severe pain in right side of back and nausea. So Tuesday I was able to go see my regular MD he did some test and my urine came back fine but my white blood cells were high after an examination he said I really think you need to follow up with your gyn he thought either cyst on right ovary that's infected or possible my right ovary itself was infected. So the next morning I called my gyn offive (they are awesome I just love them) they set me up for an ultrasound (I honestly have lost count on how many I have had this last year) so I went and the tech was just a chatting with me then she stopped (1st sign that something was wrong) then she tells me she needs to listen to the blood flow to my ovary (I have never had that done before that I'm aware of anyways) so about 2 hrs after that I get a call from my gyns office Dana the nursse said they had founf a 3x2.7x3 complex cyst on my right ovary. That my doctor had already left for vaction but that the on call had looked at the results and said that the cyst was either full of debre or a nodule. Ok the nodule thing really kinda freaked me out bc when I think of a nodule I think of cancer :/. So anyways she said that I needed to be very careful and that if I started to have any severe pain in my right lower abd quad that I needed to get to the ER bc I would have to have emergency surgery bc the cyst will have flipped my ovary and it would have cut the blood supply off. They said that is common witht thse type of cyst. She said that complex cyst were not really common but that we would have to wait till Monday to wait for dr. Markell. To come back Monday and look at the ultrasound and she what she thought. So I have been waiting all weekend. All I really feel is fullness and every once in a while ill have some sharp pain.

Hopefully tomorrow I will know something. Its frustrating and kinda scary. I would rather have surgery this week if I'm going to have to have it removed since I have already met my deductable if not ill have to come up with 1,000 just to have it done and you know every penny is going to the ivf. Which that brings something else into the picture I figure they won't do anything about us need to go through the ivf until this other thing is taken care of. So well just have to wait and see.

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas. Love y'all Kristie



Hey Kristie...I'm praying for your doc's appointment tomorrow. I am sorry for the speed bump...if you remember...that is what happened to me right before my Dawson's IVF round. They had to postpone for a month due to a large cyst! So...I am praying for you!!!! Keep me posted...XOXO